HomeAnnotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

Atwood Thomas, The History Of The Island Of Dominica: Cass, 1971 This Book contains information about Dominica’s history including an account of the government. I found it on Google Books, but can be accessed in the Cass Library of West Indian Studies. >

Charles de, Rochefort, The History Of The Caribby Islands: J.M., 1666 This book contains historical information about the indigenous people from the Caribbean. I'm not sure who has access to it, but it is sold by the company Pazzo Books.

Froude, Anthony James,The English In The West Indies: Or, The Bow Of Ulysses Cambridge University Press, 2010 This book includes accounts of Historical Events, landmarks and stories by eye-witnesses. I found it on Google Books, but the people at Cambridge University Press has access to the actual book.

Jean Baptiste, Du Tertre, Histoire Generale Des Antilles Paris: Jolly, 1667 This is a historical book written in French and speaks about the events in the Caribbean relating to French colonies. I downloaded it as a pdf on Internet Archives, and it can be accessed by anyone who has access to the internet.

Secondary Sources

Boucher P. Phillip, Cannibal Encounters: Europeans And Island Caribs: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992 This book mainly speaks about the Europeans meeting the Caribs settled in the Caribbean when they traveled there. It includes their reactions to the Carib people and how they planned to deal with them, in order to take control of the islands.Any detail spoken of the British's encounter with the Caribs in Dominica, will be placed in my project.

Cracknell, E.Basil, Dominica: Great Britain 1973 This is a history book which speaks solely about Dominica. It talks about the island’s geography, Indigenous people and crucial events which contributed to Dominica’s culture and laws today. The main part of this book which caught my interest was the 3rd chapter concerning the Kalinago people. It helped me to understand their ways of living and their choice of weaponry used in battle. The rest of the book is unrelated to my project topic, and therefore, will be of little to no use.

Honychurch Lennox, The Dominica Story: Macmillan 1995 A very informative book which will contribute a lot to the overall development of my project. It directly talks about the massacre of the Caribs and the small events which triggered the genocide, and this is the book that has given me most of my information so far.

Hulme Peter, Wild Majesty: Clarendon Press, 1992 Wild Majesty talks about encounters with the Amerindian people who lived in the Caribbean at that time. It talks about the journal, letters and voyages of Christopher Columbus and also contains an entire chapter about Indian Warner. The chapter on Indian Warner will be my main interest of this book as it mostly relates to the project I am doing.

Hulme Peter, Colonial Encounters: Routledge, 1992 This history book talks about the Indians of the West Indies, and their first encounter with European people. It also entails West Indian literature, culture and government. I am mainly interested in the encounter with the Europeans however; as it is related to my project

Hulme Peter, Remnants of Conquest: The Island Caribs and Their Visitors: Oxford University Press 2000 Remnants of Conquest speaks mainly about the Carib people of Dominica and their culture. It also entails the stories of the Caribs and how they may have dealt of the events of the past which affected them and their territory. The information presented in this book will be of little contribution to my website, but it is still needed and appreciated.


"Carib? Arawaks?" Amazing-Trinidad-Vacations.com.Web. 27 April,2015

"The Carib Territory (Kalinago territory)" Carib territory in Dominica. caribterritory.com.web. 28 April, 2015

Le Grys Norgate, Gerald. "Warner, Thomas (DNBoo)" 14, September 2011. wikisource.org.Web. 26, April 2015

jonnaaayy3. "Pirates of The Caribbean-Cannibal Tribe scenes". Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube. May28,2011. Web. April 26, 2015

Dominicafriendly. Dominica's Carib Indians and Tourism. Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube. Jan 5, 2010.Web. April 26, 2015.